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Stubbles are a feed source that starts as high quality but depletes quickly (as the sheep clean up the spilt grain) so producers need to keep this characteristic in mind to ensure a good source of nutrition is maintained. Olsson’s Ewe Beauty Dry Feed & Stubbles is a high protein, multi nutrient supplement specifically for use with stubbles & during the dry season. Like Ewe Beauty All Seasons it contains a balanced array of trace elements, vitamins & minerals, providing targeted supplementation for sheep. It supports bone development, milk production, wool growth & reproductivity. Added benefits include increasing lambing survival rates, decreasing stock loss, and providing optimal feed conversion.
Olsson’s Ewe Beauty Dry Feed & Stubbles also contains 9% urea, improving the rate of digestion, resulting in increased consumption & conversion of available feed.
Ewe Beauty Dry Feed & Stubbles’ block form regulates the intake of nutrients, meaning the sheep can only consume nutrients as fast as they can absorb them. This leads to healthier animals, and a healthier wallet.
Warning: Products containing urea can be toxic to livestock. Please ensure proper farm management practices are employed.

Available in 20kg blocks.

Olsson's supports local business and as such we sell our products through local rural agents. To purchase our blocks check out your local stockist for pricing and availability.

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