Grass Tetany is a condition that can effect stock in late autumn, winter and spring. It can cause significant losses in production, even when there are no signs of illness. Grass tetany (also called grass staggers) occurs when animals are grazing pasture which has low available levels of magnesium, or as a result of increased body demands for magnesium during lactation or late pregnancy. Prevention is preferable to treatment as grass tetany often occurs without warning. Prevention involves supplementing the animals with magnesium during the period of greatest risk. Olsson’s Beefmaster is the supplement to eliminate the deficiency with 111g/kg of available magnesium. APVMA Approval No. 40029/15/0905
Available in 15 & 40kg blocks.
Olsson's supports local business and as such we sell our products through local rural agents. To purchase our blocks check out your local stockist for pricing and availability.